Mount Robson Heli Tours
每人 500 美元起
Yes that really is the color of the water...
想象一下,您将在 90 分钟内乘坐您自己的私人直升机看到哪些景点。
这个 90 分钟的罗布森山直升机之旅适合那些想要更上一层楼的人。当 一个小时不够时,我们将带您飞越山峰,飞越山峰,进入人迹罕至的区域。由于 this country 的崎岖不平,道路不存在的区域。这是冒险者梦寐以求的东西。
Mount Robson Heli Tour photos

90 分钟

Discover the Canadian Rockies from a Whole New Perspective
Embark on an unforgettable journey with Jasper Hinton Air, and witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the Canadian Rocky Mountains on our exclusive Mount Robson Helicopter Tour. This 90-minute adventure will take you soaring through pristine valleys, offering breathtaking views of towering peaks and the iconic Mount Robson, the highest point in the Canadian Rockies.
Unveiling the Enchanting Mount Robson
With its commanding presence, Mount Robson stands as a symbol of natural grandeur. Rising to an impressive height of 3,954 meters (12,972 feet), this majestic mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a sight to behold. On our helicopter tour, you'll witness the sheer magnitude and splendor of Mount Robson up close, as we glide over its peaks and valleys, revealing its captivating beauty from every angle.
A Journey Through Nature's Masterpiece
As we venture beyond Mount Robson, our scenic flight takes you through a tapestry of stunning landscapes that define the Canadian Rockies. Marvel at the rugged mountain ranges, lush forests and cascading waterfalls that create a backdrop of unparalleled natural beauty. Our experienced pilots will guide you through hidden valleys and along glacier-fed rivers, providing a captivating aerial perspective of this untamed wilderness.
Unforgettable Memories and Incredible Photo Opportunities
Capture memories that will last a lifetime as you witness the pristine beauty of the Canadian Rockies from the comfort of our state-of-the-art helicopters. With unobstructed views from every seat, you'll have the perfect vantage point to snap breathtaking photos of Mount Robson and the surrounding landscapes. Immerse yourself in the moment as you take in the sights, sounds, and fresh mountain air.
The Details
Duration: This exclusive Mount Robson Helicopter Tour lasts approximately 90 minutes, allowing ample time to immerse yourself in the natural splendor of the Canadian Rockies. The entire experience including check in, safety briefing, extra photos with the helicopter will be about 2 hours, so please leave enough time in your travel schedule! Nobody likes rushing on their vacation:)
Cost: The cost of this unforgettable experience is $1499/seat.
Weight Limit: Please note we do have a weight limit of up to 700lbs for this tour, so it's perfect for a family with children!
Embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure and discover the magic of Mount Robson and the Canadian Rockies from a whole new perspective. Book your Mount Robson Helicopter Tour with Jasper Hinton Air today and prepare for an experience that will leave you in awe of nature's magnificence.
Disclaimer: All tour routes are subject to weather conditions and may be modified or canceled for safety reasons. Jasper Hinton Air prioritizes the safety and well-being of our passengers at all times.

罗布森山直升机之旅只是我们可以在 90 分钟内使用该地区最快的旅游直升机完成的一个例子。但这不一定是average helicopter 之旅! 90 分钟的 Jasper 直升机之旅可以满足您的任何需求。知道你想去哪里吗? Let's discuss a 为您的团队带来精彩体验。从积雪覆盖的山峰和山谷到清澈的 blue water,让我们与 Jasper Hinton Air 共同打造您的理想航班 。
不确定你想去哪里?没关系!无论如何,我们非常了解这个地区,它是我们的家,我们很乐意为您制定一个很棒的飞行计划。隐藏的宝石是我们的专长,您会喜欢我们为您准备的东西。沿山脊线飞,下入深谷,尽览区内整洁的古迹 。天空不是极限,这是您在罗布森山直升机之旅的游乐场。
90 分钟登上 ROBSON 直升机游览推荐
来自萨斯卡通的布拉德- 90 分钟贾斯珀直升机之旅回顾,2022 年春季:在贾斯珀做的事情真是太不可思议了!我强烈推荐 90 分钟的游览,它给了我们很多时间来放松和享受体验,并一路到达罗布森山,这是一座令人难以置信的山峰。作为来自大草原的人,从地面上看到落基山脉真是太棒了,但从空中看到它们并与他们近距离接触令人兴奋。老实说,我从来没有经历过这样的事情。飞行员同样兴奋地带我们去参观。你可以说她很自豪能够炫耀她的祖国,如果没有当地飞行员,情况就不一样了。 Jasper Hinton air 花时间让这对我们来说是一次非常特别的体验,通过电话回答了我们所有的问题, 帮助我们选择了适合我们家庭的旅行,专业,甚至帮助我们带着相机出去,以确保我们拥有出色的视频和体验照片。他们非常有耐心和知识渊博,你可以说他们已经做了很多,并且渴望使它成为他们可能做到的最好的旅行。我花过的最好的钱。
来自多伦多的詹姆斯——90 分钟贾斯珀和罗布森山直升机之旅回顾,2022 年春季——太棒了。孩子们和我很高兴我们提前 2 小时到达,谢天谢地飞行员能够容纳我们,而不是我们等着。这次飞行绝对令人难以置信,我们甚至降落在山顶上。我们下车拍了一些照片,只是令人兴奋的 站在那里,感觉就像我们是全世界唯一的人。我不是登山者,所以这是我能感受到这种感觉的唯一方式!哈哈 由于空气中的一些颠簸,飞行有点颠簸,但飞行员让我们感觉很舒服,甚至在颠簸前几秒钟警告我们,这些飞行员非常了解这个区域,他们确切地知道颠簸在哪里!在我看来非常专业。如果我必须提出任何建议,那就是您在贾斯珀的第一天预订,因为由于天气原因您可能需要推迟几天。想想我们差点错过了!我们的家人在夏威夷进行了一次直升机之旅,我不得不说这更好,更令人兴奋,飞行员 was more 参与并愿意分享他们对这个神奇地方的热爱。