Jasper Heli Yoga

$479 CDN /seat
reservations required
- 在 a 私人包租的远程游侠直升机与您最喜欢的瑜伽士一起飞入加拿大落基山脉。
- 带上你自己的教练或 Kristie your pilot 有 20 年的经验,很乐意教你喜欢的课程
- 降落在适合瑜伽练习的山顶上,(取决于天气 - 如果风或能见度不允许山顶降落,您可以在穿越山脉后选择较低高度的降落。)
- 沉浸在周围环境中,呼吸新鲜的山间空气
- 在山脉吸收你的 apana 时冥想,(消极的停滞能量) 让你精神焕发,充满活力和灵感。
- 留下大量时间 用于照片,我们明白了 - 这不是日常体验!

- 请提前15分钟左右
- 计划在山上花几个小时
- 穿适合崎岖地形的鞋子,不要穿人字拖或露趾鞋
- 请多带一件防风/雨衣,我们要进山,天气会很冷
- 请将 water 放入不易破碎的容器中
- 包轻型直升机具有最大起飞重量,如果我们超过了,我们将无法起飞。不允许额外的行李。

曼迪- 艾伯塔省石质平原

- We recommend you book your flight on the first day you are in Jasper. In case of weather delay, there’s still time to reschedule your flight.
- Check in is 30 minutes prior to your flight. If you’re really early we may not be able to greet you as we’ll be out flying, please be patient with us! If you're late for your flight it may be cancelled.
- The location of the Jasper Hinton Airport is correct in all GPS including google maps, approximately 45 minutes east from Jasper, 1 hour if there are sheep on the road! Please come right into the terminal when you arrive. Don’t worry it’s a tiny airport and you’ll find the terminal no problem!
- Please wear clothing appropriate for outdoor activities. No open toed shoes allowed. Windproof and waterproof layer is highly recommended, especially for mountain top landings. Winter mountain landings require winter gear!!!
- Weather- we will do a weather check 2 hrs prior to your flight. If there are any concerns we will call you. Please ensure we have a number we are able to reach you at! If you don’t hear from us 1 hour before your flight, assume it’s a go. Please note: we will not discuss weather prior to 2 hrs before your flight.
- Aircraft emergencies- sometimes our aircrafts respond to life threatening emergencies such as; back country rescues, wildfires, floods etc. And sometimes our aircrafts are grounded for unscheduled maintenance. In the event one of these situations arise we will ask for your patience and understanding. We will attempt to reschedule your flight. If that is impossible, we will refund your deposit.
- Cancellation policy is 24hrs notice.
- Landing locations are at the sole discretion of the pilot and decisions are made based on a variety of factors including but not limited to: current and forecasted wind and cloud, weight of the aircraft, pressure altitude, sunlight, wildlife, allotted flight time, legalities of the Jasper National park.